Are you familiar with same-day delivery? Discover the potential behind eCommerce same-day delivery (and how to implement it)


Because online shopping is nowadays so convenient, we don’t even consider going down to our regular store
 except when we want to have a product instantly.

That’s one of the most common objections when shopping online: “I just don’t want to have to wait for two or three days to have that product”.

But what if your customers could get their order on the same day?

No, we don’t mean your products being teleported but something more ordinary: same-day delivery.

A growing trend within eCommerce that can make the two or three-day wait obsolete.

If you want to learn more about this trend, pay attention because here we’ll tell you about:

  • How same-day delivery works
  • Its pros (and some cons)
  • How you can implement it even if you own a small or local eCommerce

Keep on reading; there’s no waiting here! 😉

👉 What is same-day delivery in eCommerce?

We’re nowadays so used to next-day delivery that when a product takes 3 or 4 days to be delivered, we believe it’s a long wait.

In this post we’ll take it up one notch on promptness.

Same-day delivery is the shipping method that guarantees your order gets delivered on the same day it was placed.

The common thing is to set a time limit to place orders.

For example, if you want to get your order on the same day, you must make the purchase before 2pm (this limit can also help you sell more, as we’ll see later on).

Amazon was one of this shipping method’s pioneers. Even if at the moment this service is only available for Amazon customers in certain US regions, it is expected to spread out in time.

Another example of companies that use this shipping method is Decathlon Spain.


In other countries such as the UK, Decathlon has not yet implemented same-day delivery; instead, it features Click & Collect. This option allows shopping online and then picking the product up from the physical store one hour later.


It’s not as convenient as having it delivered instantly, but it’s for free, and it saves going through the whole purchase process at the store.

So, as you can see, it’s a new trend that is currently growing.

Wanna hop on?

There’s more to it.

👉 4 advantages of including a same-day delivery feature in your eCommerce

A fun fact, to start with.

IAB Spain’s 2020 eCommerce annual report reveals that 37% of consumers don’t care to pay a little more if that means having a speedier delivery.  

This already illustrates how much consumers value immediacy. Therefore, including same-day delivery can boost your sales.


Let’s talk about it.

✅ 1. It reduces abandoned carts

Abandoned shopping carts are one of every eCommerce owner’s concerns.

One of the reasons why many users abandon their cart is because right before finalizing the purchase, they learn that the delivery time is too high.

The user does not want to wait that much and so they end up leaving the store for another where they get offered a speedier delivery.

Including same-day delivery in your shipping methods allows you to keep those “impatient” customers happy.

✅ 2. Allows you to improve user experience (and loyalty)

As consumers, we’re used to having everything “now.”

This means that the sooner a customer gets their order, the more satisfied they will be with the purchase experience. If you don’t believe it, then check out the majority of positive reviews in eCommerce: “fast delivery”, “the order was delivered in no time!”, etc.

Any customer that is satisfied with the service will shop again in your store and will recommend you with their friends.

✅ 3. You stand out from your competitors

What happens if you want to have a product right now and, out of all the stores you compare, there’s one that offers same-day delivery? Even if you have to pay a little extra, it’s very likely that you’ll end up choosing that one (remember the study conducted by IAB Spain on shipping costs we cited above).

Therefore, delivery time can be a decisive factor for a user to decide to buy from you.

So why not use this to your advantage?

Keep in mind that same-day delivery is not very common yet, so that’s why it can also be a good way of standing out from your competitors.

If you end up implementing it, make sure you highlight it as part of your business value proposition, and have all your customers hear from it. 😉

✅ 4. Use impulse buying to your advantage

Do you remember we said above that when implementing same-day delivery the normal thing is to set a limited time frame?

For example, customers must order in the morning in order to receive it on the same day.

This limit generates a sense of urgency and your customer thinks: “I could wait a little longer and look for it somewhere else, but then it’ll take longer to be delivered

So, of course, more than one would rather buy from you right then and there to have it as soon as possible.

👉 Obstacles for implementing same-day delivery

We’ve already seen the benefits to this shipping method. Of course, if it only were so simple then every eCommerce would offer it, right?

The thing is
 when it comes to implementing same-day delivery there are certain difficulties you must also take into account:

  • You need an efficient logistics operator: in order for you to be able to provide this service, you need to find a courier service that can handle same-day delivery while offering a good service (you don’t want to have a bunch of mad customers because their urgent order hasn’t arrived).
  • You must always keep stock: imagine someone orders a product for same-day delivery and you have just run out of stock. You would have to cancel the purchase and inform the customer you don’t have the product available —something they surely won’t like. On the other hand, having spare stock is risky because maybe the product doesn’t sell as much as you’d expected and units end up piling up in your stockroom. 
  • It’s advisable to have various logistics facilities: in order to deliver efficiently, it’s imperative to have a stockroom near the zone of delivery —something that, evidently, not every eCommerce can afford.
  • Higher shipping expenses: a fast shipment means paying a higher fee. This directly concerns the user and there might be many not willing to pay for that extra expense. However, in order to dismiss this objection, the simplest thing is to offer different delivery options and have each customer choose the one they prefer).

It’s possible that you are now thinking: “I think this is not for me. It looks very complicated and I’m not sure it’s worth it.”

Easy now; you’ve made it this far. We’re not going to leave you stranded. 😉

👉 How to implement same-day delivery (even if your store is no Amazon)

As we mentioned above, not every eCommerce can afford the resources and money investment that comes with implementing same-day delivery on a large scale.

However, the fact that it is more feasible for big companies doesn’t mean you must rule it out if you own a medium eCommerce or even a small local store.

If that’s your case, here are a few tips on how to apply same-day delivery in your business:

  • Focus on proximity trade: if you own a small business with a single stockroom, it’ll be impossible for you to implement same-day delivery at a national level, for instance. In that case, you can still offer it to people from your own city by hiring a company that allows you to place shipments on the same day (there’s a growing number of courier services that specialize on this). Or you can also combine it with click & collect, as a more economical solution for customers who don’t feel like paying for delivery but do want to have the product on the same day.
  • Use it only at specific times: if you notice that the investment or complexity of handling this shipping method is beyond your reach, do it only on special days. For example, if you own a flower store, you could implement this exclusively on Valentine’s Day, when there will be more than one forgetful customer in need of a flower bouquet willing to pay a little more for shipping.

So how about now? You still think this option is not feasible for your store?

👉 Implement same-day delivery and be one step ahead

The benefits of online shopping little by little overcome those of buying in a physical store.

Now, thanks to instant messaging, not only is it more comfortable to shop from home, but we also get the product on the same day. And even if it’s still not so spread out, there will come a time when same-day delivery becomes mainstream, the way next-day delivery is now.

In the meantime, you can take this opportunity to innovate and offer your customers a much faster service than the competitors’.

So, would you like to be one step ahead?

Don’t make your customers wait any longer and take the plunge now. 😉