Customer Story Southbag optimizes product category pages Category Navigation makes searching for products by category almost instantaneous DISCOVER THE STORY
All types of bags, suitcases, schoolbags, and backpacks are for sale at Southbag. With Doofinder, they have seen up to 25% improvement in the conversion of their category pages, smoothly displaying their varied catalog and allowing their customers search for products by applying filters almost instantly. “When the filters are applied, customers see available products immediately, with specific information about each product. Without page reload!.” – Albert Brüggemann, Head of IT & Projects.
Test it beforehand and know what will happen when your customers search. Doofinder provides numerous tools to optimize the performance of your internal search engine. REQUEST A DEMO
“The UX of our eCommerce has been boosted” Its functionalities have helped us to create an environment that invites users to discover and interact with the products. SEE MORE “Our site search learns from each customer” Thanks to AI, they offer an improved and unique customer journey which adapts to the individual preferences of each user. VIEW MORE “They manage their catalogue 100% in real time” Providing a complete and instantly updated search experience thanks to Site Search. SEE MORE “Conversion rate of our Site Search is about 20%” They has increased its conversion rate and decreased the bounce rate of its online store with Doofinder. SEE MORE