Learn how to install Doofinder in osCommerce version: 2.2 RC1, 2.2 RC2, 2.2 RC2a, 2.3.0, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.

Notice: Doofinder offers this module just to help customers to integrate easily. We are not responsible of any issue or unexpected behavior. We also encourage you to contribute and improve the module in our open repository.


  1. Download the latest version of the plugin, named doofinder-osc-latest.zip.
  2. Upload all of the files in the catalog directory to the correct location on your server.

If you uploaded the files correctly you will be able to execute these URLS:


If you need help feel free to contact us.

Process the Feed

After doing this, you’ll have to process your feed. If you are in the middle of the installation wizard, just follow the instructions. If not, use the URL that provides the proper language and currency.

Generate the Doofinder Layer Script

Once you’re done with that you’ll need to generate a script to put somewhere in your webpage. That can be easily done in your doofinder control panel, inside the Configuration >Installation Scripts section.

Since you’re using osCommerce, a good location for that script could be inside includes/template_top.php.

Inside that file you should find something like:

<?php echo $oscTemplate>getBlocks('header_tags'); ?>

You could place the script like this:

<!-- Doofinder script starts here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
doofinder.options = {}
<!-- Doofinder script ends here -->
<?php echo $oscTemplate->getBlocks('header_tags'); ?>